Kat’s Metal Litter Box Canadian Rock & Metal Radio Global Rock & Metal Day

Since we started the radio station almost a year ago, we have only played Local Canadian Rock and Metal.

A lot of bands from all over the world have been sending us their music and we have been thanking them for sending us their music and explaining we only play bands in Canada.

We have thought about this a lot and have decided to have one day a week where we play Local Rock & Metal from all over the world.

You might be thinking why are we doing this, you are moving away from focusing on Local Canadian Bands. This is not the case and we feel by doing this it will bring more exposure to Local Canadian Rock & Metal Bands. If people are listing from all over the world on the Global Local Rock & Metal day. They will also tune into the station on other days and we will be playing Local Canadian Rock & Metal.

Spread the word that Kat’s Metal Litter Box is looking to get music from Local Rock & Metal Bands from all over the world to play on the Global Rock & Metal Day.

If you know of a band or you are in a band contact us and we will give you the details where to send your bands music too.

Kat’s Metal Litter Box – http://katsmetallitterbox.com/ Supporting Rock & Metal Bands in Canada
Kat’s Metal Litter Box Radio Playing Unsigned Canadian Rock & Metal Bands 24/7 http://katsmetallitterbox.com/music-chat/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/KatsMetalLItterBoxRadio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatsMetalLitter

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