URBAN ALIENS Post New Music Video ‘Buried Under The Chalet’; Performing At Amnesia Rockfest June 23rd
Album Stream – 7 tounes d’EPais – http://urbanaliens.bandcamp.com/album/7-tounes-d-pais
Montreal, QC’s francophone porncore / desh metallers URBAN ALIENS have posted a new video‘Buried Under The Chalet’ in support of their upcoming performance at this year’s Amnesia Rockfest in Montebello, QC on June 23rd on the Tony Sly Stage 2 (7:10pm set time). Full details found here.
‘Buried Under The Chalet’ is off their latest release 2015’s ‘7 tounes d’ÉPais‘, the follow up to their 2011 LP ‘TRUI3’.
To watch ‘Buried Under The Chalet’, please visit the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Cw76AKmfys
7. Le bat en feu (3:04)