The band formed in 2010 when 3yr old Aaralyn Oneil wanted to participate in the basement jams of 6yr old brother Izzy (drums) and their dad Jason (guitar). No one, especially dad, was prepared for what came out of little Aaralyns mouth that day when she got her hands on her very own microphone.
Calling themselves ‘Murp’, the family went on to upload over 50 songs to their YouTube channel over the next 3 years. Her unique singing style and creative lyrics have earned them a dedicated following of fans lovingly dubbed “Murpsters”.
Whether the subject matter is about Zombies, Lullaby’s or the pain associated with brushing knotted hair, Aaralyn and Izzy continue to grow and explore themselves through music. Unhindered by societies stereotypes this duo is not just a novelty, they are living art in motion. Turn off your mind, relax, and float down the stream with Aaralyn and Izzy. We promise it will be quite a ride!
Twitter: @AaralynAndIzzy
Also tune in to Kat’s Metal Litter Box Rock & Metal Radio Aug 31st at 7 pm & 10 pm Eastern Time. We will be playing the full album Sweet Music.
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We just don’t only play Local Canadian Rock & Metal. We work with them and support them.
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