GREBER Premiere “Backhanded Interest” via Decibel Mag New Album “Cemetery Preston” Out February 2nd Eastern Canadian Tour Dates (ON/QC/NB/NS)

For fans of Unearthly Trance,Man Is The Bastard, Black Sheep Wall, Lightning Bolt, Cult Leader

GREBER Premiere “Backhanded Interest” via Decibel Mag

New Album “Cemetery Preston” Out February 2nd

Eastern Canadian Tour Dates (ON/QC/NB/NS)

L to R – Marc Bourgon – Bass, Vocals, Steve Vargas – Drums, Vocals

Henry Miller wrote one of the great truths of life when he said “All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience.”

Such a quote could describe bass-and-drums duo GREBER, save that with past and present members of Fuck the Facts and The Great Sabatini, they have a great wealth of experience to bring to the table. Inspired by the truly great bands like Neurosis and Propaghandi, but inspired not to slavishly imitate what they have already created, but to forge their own sound, to blaze new trails. To look out at the world that surrounds us and reflect what they see truthfully; as though holding up a mirror to the darkness in the hope of reflecting a glimmer of light.

They truly have gazed into the abyss and put to music what they see there; their music has huge depths and they have none of the limitations that plague so many bands. They truly are their own beast and they truly have their own sound.

Since forming in 2008, GREBER have released two well-received full length albums, three 7″ inch split singles, and played countless shows. As if they were morphing into a single entity, Drummer Steve Vargas and bassist/vocalist Marc Bourgon have made GREBER into their own unique entity, something as important to the duo as food and air.

On February 2, 2018, GREBER will release their new album “Cemetery Preston”, through a collaboration between Ancient Temple Recordings, Pink Lemonade Recordings, Hibernation Release, No Why Records and d7i Records, on LP, CD, cassette and digital download. Audience’s jaws will drop at the raw mining of emotions it contains, its searing sincerity, and sheer innovation. As Bourgon explains. “Cemetery Preston is our best attempt at taking a fleeting snapshot of this living purgatory that we all call life.”

Teaming up with Decibel Magazine, the grind hardcore duo are premiering their first single“Backhanded Interest”.

Drummer Steve Vargas comments:

“Backhanded Interest is a great showcase of themes we touch on both lyrically and musically throughout the album. We’re always working with the dynamics of just bass and drums and this song is as crushing as it is just a great song in my opinion. Marc’s riffs rule and it’s always so much fun to get creative with my drum approach. When we sat down to figure out the first “single” it was an easy choice to choose this one.”

Listen to “Backhanded Interest” at the following link:

Album Pre-Order available at the following links:
Vinyl –
Vinyl –
CD –
Cassette –

For those in Eastern Canada, GREBER will hitting the road in February to destroy with their live assault in support of “Cemetery Preston”.

Tour Dates:
February 1, 2018 – Ottawa, ON @ Pressed
February 2, 2018 – Montreal, QC @ Atomic Cafe – info
February 3, 2018 – Quebec City, QC @ Scanner – info
February 6, 2018 – Fredericton, NB @ Manic Mansion
February 7, 2018 – Saint John, NB @ Second Spin
February 8, 2018 – Moncton, NB @ Plan B
February 9, 2018 – Halifax, NS @ Gus’s Pub
February 10, 2018 – Sherbrooke, QC @ Le Murdoch – info
February 23, 2018 – Toronto, ON @ Coalition
February 24, 2018 – Cambridge, ON @ Scout Hut

Track Listing:
1. Backhanded Interest (3:44)
2. The Wreckers (4:01)
3. Prophetic (3:03)
4. By Any Other Name (4:06)
5. Overdraft (2:38)
6. Our Burnt Treasure (3:12)
7. Grave Plot (3:15)
8. No One But You (3:07)
9. The Closer We Got (8:16)
Album Length: 35:27

For more info:
(bio written by Steve Earles)

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